Off Your Rocker at Stir Events

Off Your Rocker, by Stratus Games, will be featured at the Stir Game Nights hosted by in 20 major cities across the USA this fall. These special events will give singles a chance to meet and interact though face-to-face game play.
At the Game Night Mashup events, "quick rules" will be provided to each participant to make learning the game fast and easy. facilitators will also be available to lead singles through the games and provide assistance. Players will rotate from table to table between rounds, giving everyone a chance to mix and mingle while they play up to five different games.
"We are very excited to introduce single adults to Off Your Rocker," said Chris James, president of Stratus Games. "It’s a perfect party game to encourage people to open up, get to know each other, and laugh together, all of the things that help people feel comfortable and bond. We are thrilled to have been invited to participate in these events by"
Off Your Rocker is a party game in which players take part in an improvised psychiatric Q&A session. One player (the Psychiatrist) must ask random questions of the rest of the group (the Patients) to try to guess what quirky problem they are suffering from. The Pychiatrist scores a point for guessing correctly within the time limit and the Patients score points for having the most clever or funny answers.
Off Your Rocker will be featured at Stir Game Night Mashups from September through November, 2013, in the following areas (many dates are still TBD):
Atlanta, GA - 9/19 - Sip Wine, 12635 Crabapple Rd., Milton GA / 6pm-9pm
Baltimore, MD
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Columbus, OH - 9/18 - Bar Louie, 3970 Easton Station
Dallas, TX - 9/25 - Social House Uptown, 2708 Routh St. / 6pm-9pm
Denver, CO
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN - 9/26 - Honey, 205 Hennepin Ave. / 6pm-9pm
New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA - 9/25 - Hard Rock Café, 1113-31 Market St.
Phoenix, AZ
Portland, OR
Salt Lake City, UT
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Jose, CA
St. Louis, MI - 9/26 - Lucas Park Grille, 1234 Washington Ave. / 6PM-9PM
Tampa, FL - 9/18 - The Wine Studio, 4106 Henderson Blvd. / 6pm-9pm
Washington, DC - 9/24 - Virtue Feed & Grain, 106 S. Union, Alexandria VA / 6pm-9pm